Define Run Folder Settings
From the Welcome screen, select Menu | Tools | Options to open the Menu Options window.
To customize the naming convention for run folder names, modify the settings in the Run ID Template
field. Select Reset to clear the field.
To set default output locations, enter a location for each of the following folders:
Default Output Folder—The default output folder for runs on flow cell A.
Default Output Folder2—The default output folder for runs on flow cell B.
These locations can be changed on a per run basis.
To set the location where temporary files are written during a run, enter a location in the Default Temp
Folder 1 field.
To set a location for LIMS sample forms, enter the location in the Run Setup Folder field.
Select OK to save your work and close the Menu Options window. Select Cancel to close without saving.
Set LIMS Preferences
From the Welcome screen, select Menu | Tools | Options to open the Menu Options window.
Enter the following LIMS settings:
LIMS Server—The server name for interactions with supported Illumina LIMS.
LIMS User Name—The user name used when authenticating to Illumina LIMS.
LIMS Password—The password used when authenticating to Illumina LIMS.
Select OK to save your work and close the Menu Options window. Select Cancel to close without saving.
View and Send Instrument Data
The Menu button on the Welcome screen and the Menu Options window provide options for viewing and
sending instrument data.
To view information about instrument hardware, software versions, and technical support contact
information, select Menu | About.
Send instrument health information to Illumina to aid technical support — Select to enable the Illumina
Proactive monitoring service. The name of the setting in the software interface might be different from the
name in this guide, depending on the version of HCS in use.
With this setting turned on, instrument performance data are sent to Illumina. This data helps Illumina
troubleshoot more easily and detect potential failures, enabling proactive maintenance and maximizing
instrument uptime. For more information on the benefits of this service, see
Illumina Proactive Technical
Note (document # 1000000052503)
This service:
Does not send sequencing data.
Requires that the instrument be connected to a network with internet access.
Document # 15011190 v03
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
HiSeq 2000 System Guide