Warnings do not stop a run, but might require action before proceeding.
Errors usually stop a run and generally require action before proceeding with the run.
When a change in condition occurs, the associated icon blinks to alert you.
Select the icon to open the status window and view a description of the condition.
Select Acknowledge to accept the message and Close to close the dialog box.
Activity and Sensor Indicators
The Welcome screen contains a series of icons in the lower-right corner of the screen. The icons indicate
instrument activity and status of specific components based on instrument sensors.
Figure 4
Activity Indicators
From left to right, activity indicators represent the X, Y, and Z motors, electronics functionality, the camera,
the fluidics system, and processing functions.
Figure 5
Sensor Indicators
From left to right, sensor indicators represent flow cell A temperature, reagent chiller temperature, data
transfer status, BaseSpace Hub cloud status, and flow cell B temperature.
Available Disk Space
The HiSeq instrument computer has a storage capacity of over 2.7 TB per flow cell. Data from flow cell A is
stored on the D: drive, and data from flow cell B is stored on the E: drive.
At the end of each imaging cycle for each lane, the software checks available disk space on the local D: and
E: drives. If disk space becomes low, the software pauses the run and places the flow cell in a safe state.
Create more space to continue the run, which resumes automatically when sufficient space is available.
Sequencing Consumables Overview
Performing a run on the HiSeq 2000 requires one SBS kit and one cluster kit. Cluster kits are available in
paired-end (PE) and single-read (SR) versions.
SBS kits include sequencing reagents used on the HiSeq, with sufficient reagents for sequencing one flow
cell. Sequencing reagents are provided in 250 ml bottles that load directly onto reagent racks. The reagent
labels are color-coded to reduce loading errors.
Cluster kits contain clustering reagents used on the cBot and indexing and paired-end reagents used on the
HiSeq. Each cluster kit includes an accessory kit that provides flow cell gaskets, funnel caps for SBS reagent
bottles, and a flow cell storage tube.
Document # 15011190 v03
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
HiSeq 2000 System Guide