As the newest addition to the Ikegami Hyper Dynamic Camera Series, Model ISD-A33 features an extremely wide light
dynamic range, high sensitivity and high resolution enabled by a 1/3-inch Pixim Seawolf sensor and Ikegami's digital
processing technology. This camera is equipped with an auto iris vari-focal lens, back-light compensation, automatic iris
control and phase adjustable AC line lock or crystal controlled internal sync lock system.
It is a Hyper Wide Light Dynamic Range Dome Camera that reproduces a clear and natural image even in locations where
there is a significant difference in the intensity of illumination, such as window areas, or in lobby entrance of building.
Hyper Wide Light Dynamic Range (Hyper WDR)
This dome camera comes with an aesthetic dome housing.
T h e H y p e r W D R f u n c t i o n p r o v i d e s f o r v e r y e f f e c t i v e
compensation of high light and dark areas in screen. This
situation may occur generally outside or viewing from indoor to
outside scenes. Even in large light fluctuations, bright-and-dark
objects can be captured and viewed clearly with a natural color.
High Sensitivity
The camera is designed for smear-free imaging and low noise. The
well-designed DSP, Digital Signal Processor, effectively enhances details,
which achieves crisp and sharp images with a high signal-to-noise ratio.
T h e h i g h r e s o l u t i o n o f 4 8 0 T V L / 5 2 0 T V L - H i g h - R e s o M o d e ( 6 9 0
HTVL-Effective) is assured.
Various modes of Automatic Gain control (AGC) are available to finely adjust
the camera settings depending on the subject's illumination conditions.
With the AGC and a slow shutter in combination, high sensitivity of up to
0.011 lx/F1.5 is achieved.
Focus EZ Function
Thanks to the Level Indicator, a focusing point is visibly recognized.
The auto iris lens aperture will be kept open, even in broad
daylight. This ensures that an accurate focus can be set readily
with the best depth of field.
Scene File Function (4 positions)
Along with a normal setting (NORMAL), 4 position scene file (preset
file) for each particular scene is provided. Using this function enables
an easy setup suitable for a scene without any special adjustment.
All-in-One Ergonomic Compact Dome Housing
High-quality Picture and High Resolution
Hyper Wide Light Dynamic
Dome Color Camera
ISD-A33 Black Version