Igloo FR870-B Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание FR870-B

Страница 1: ...圏Re簡ge atorl Freezer 3 2 UF 90 賀S田R封船山田嶋 Ⅲ 易 なi 輸葛 一 間 音i i 種〇 一 一〇 〇 書 葛 R832I FR834IB FR870 B ...

Страница 2: ...and puiI s aigh青OU再om he ou ie 5 DANCER Risk of Fi e o Explosion Flammable ef ige a血Sed Do no use Mechanical devices o def os汗ef ige a 0 Do no punc ure efrigeran ubing 6 lf you oid refrige a o freeze is no being used We reCOmmend ha you emove he d OrS This w出educe he possib叫of dange o c同d en 7 WARNINc Af er your ref iger早or freeze中in ope a i n do no ouch he coid su faces in he freezer compar men p...

Страница 3: ...fo e making any 悪霊罰 諾嘉島豊謹書e S可y l l Do no ope ale you ef ige a o in ine p esence of expl Sive fumes SAVた丁H格SE INSTRuC丁漢ONS isp S 申 p rtyF蕉黒gtith d 一 し ReguIa ions Fiammable relrigerqnl used DANGER Risk ofくh肘en青rapmen Before you h ow awoy your oid efrigera一〇 O freezer 一〇ke off I he d rS しeave lhe sheIYeS in p a e SO hat hildren may no easily climb inside Thank you for pu chasing our p oduc一 This ea...

Страница 4: ...men s Doo Alignmenl Ref ige細o or Features and use Gene al FeaIu es Ref ige aIo 血e io Sheives Using Dispense A an Def osting Ybu Ref ige a一〇 Food Sto age lnformation No mai Operating Sounds P ope Ref igerator Co e and Cleaning CIeaning and Main enance Ligh Buib Repiacement Powe lnle rupIions Vaca有ons and Moving Ca e 丁roubIesh〇〇〇ing 音 3 4 4 4 4 4 与 e 二 〇 〇 7 8 9 9 9 0 1 白 ...

Страница 5: ...巾s And Fea書u es 1 In e io Ligh1 2 1empera u e Cont o1 3 Ref ige a or Shelves 4 C ispe 5 Front Leveiing Legs 3 6 Ref igera or Do r Shelves 7 lDispense A Can Storage 8 F eeze Door SheIf 9 ice Cube丁 ay lO ice Sc ape ...

Страница 6: ...r Ci細cuIa置ion 1b ensure you ef ige a o wo ks a he maximum e楯ciency i was designed for you should ins aii吊n a i a ion where he e is p oper ai circuIa ion Piumbing and eiec ricaI comec ions The fo owing are ecommended cIea ances around山e ef igera or Sides 3 4 19mm fop 2一 5Omm Bock 2i 50mm VARNING ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT SHOCK HAZARD E音e lri al Requi ement Make su e here is a sui able power outle 120 ...

Страница 7: ...i alions Do no ins a your efrige ator in any localion no p ope ly insuia ed o hea ed e g garage elc Ybur ef igerato was no designed o opera e in empe a u e se砧ngs below 55O Fahrenhei Seiec a suitabIe location for the efrige a o On a hard even su face away from di eC suniigh o hea source e g radia o s baseboard hea e s COOking appIiances e c Any fI r UneVenneSS Shouid be corrected with he leveling ...

Страница 8: ...in a h izon ai 両ed p Sition fo any pe iod of time wait 24 hou s befo e plugging he un吊n Refrige細ato細ln書erior Shelves Tb remoYe Or rePIcI e a fuII Wid書h s看ide u青Shelf See fig 2 十Gen iy両 he shelf up and siide fo wa d ur而i he shelf has been comple eiy emoved 2 To epiace he sheIf gen iy siide he shelf back Using he Dispense A Con You ref ige a o lS eqUipped w而the convenien Dispense A Can compa 血en Eac...

Страница 9: ...def ost time keep he d00 OPen and pIace a bowi of wa m wa e in he f eeze Du ing he def ost Wa e w用accumula e Use a owe o wipe off excess d ipping wate Do not leave una一 ended Af十e def os ing emP y a d wipe down he in e io o白he freezer You may now ese you ef ige a o o he desi ed tempe a ure and e u n food Your freeze has been equipped wwh an lCe SC aPe fo you convenience Main enonce Risk of Fi e or...

Страница 10: ... s o ing in he ef ige alo ge ables with skins should be s o ed in pias ic bags o con aine s Leafy vege abies shouId be washed and drained and lhen sto ed in plastic bags o con ainers Ho food should be allowed lo c0Oi befo e s o ing in山e efrige ation This w川 PreVen unnecessa y ene gy use F esh seafood shouId be used the same day as pu chased When s o ing meats in he f esh food sec ion keep in he o ...

Страница 11: ...n the d ying out o白he imp ope ly packaged food Fo ow package o con ainer instruc ions fo p oper s o age Packaging Recommendafons Plastic cc ntainers w而ai igh川ds Heavy du y aiuminum foil Plastic wrap made f om saran film Se帰ea品g piastic bags Do no ef eeze def osted hawed foods 旧s recommended tha he freezing date be ma ked on he pqckqgiI g These a e some suggestions fo safe s orage TV Dinners F esh ...

Страница 12: ...h COnCen a ed de ergen s SOiven s or me al scouring pads some o白hese chemicaIs may dissolve damage and or discoior your ref ige ator D r Gqske書s Ciean d r gaSke s ever 月h ee mon血s according o generai instruc ions Gaskets mus be kep ciean and piiabIe o assure a proper seaI pe roIeum ie y applied iigh iy on he hinge side of gaskets w川 keep he gaske pIiable and ensure a good sea上 しigh青Bulb Rep看acemen...

Страница 13: ...nings A ow血e for recen ly addecI warm f d o reach fresh f0Od empera ure check gaske s for prope sea上 Adius empera ure co而Oi to coIcler se面ng F0Od emperalure is oo co看d 血empera e CO両OI se面ng is o coId adius o a warmer setting and a ow severai hou s for emperaiure to adiusl 黒岩管二精霊n空言悪霊p e d i n h坤 mP 血r 抑d humid doys D0Ors may have been opened frequenlly o for an ex ended period o白ime 悪霊書芸警告 y S Moi...

Страница 14: ... elc 光臨霊蒜等霊音誼en書he OmPreSSOr OmeS On The fl r may be uneven or wcak The refrige a o r ks on he fi r When it is 露悪措辞忠言蒜島霊豊吉藍霊露盤eve一一he The efrigeralo is touching the wai上re level he refrigera o and move両rom he wal上See he ins c帖ng four Refrigerator sec ion 亨譜責苦整骨 d S nO wo k Tighen buIb in s ket Repiace bumed ou buIb ...
