iG8 User Manual
Figure 10 check the polarity of the connections to the battery before use.
You may receive alligator clip connectors with your repeater or RTK heads:
Figure 11 Alligator-clip connections won’t support full output power!
These temporary connectors will not provide sufficient power to run the repeater at full power. If you plan on using
output powers higher than 8-watts, please use the spade connectors.
NOTE: The ADL repeater requires a low resistance battery source. The number one cause of repeater issues is old
batteries with terminal voltage less than 12 volts when under heavy load. Typically this means the battery need to be less
than three years old.
Setting up the Repeater
Place the repeater and antenna on a tripod or other suitable mount. If the base is nearby, set the UHF radio antenna to
the North of the GNSS receiver so that the UHF antenna does not block the GNSS receiver’s view of the southern sky.
This picture shows the antenna mounted on an extension on top of a tripod. An adjustable prism pole through the center
of a tripod is also an excellent alternative.
Extension on plate
Prism pole through tripod head
Figure 12 UHF Repeater Configuration
Mounting the antenna as high as possible will result in better radio range. Doubling the height of the antenna is much
more effective than quadrupling the output power.