10.4 Settings for temperature monitoring
10.4.1 Switch Point monitoring for temperature (OUT2)
Select [SEL2] and set TEMP�
Select [OU2] and set the switching function: Hno, Hnc, Fno or Fnc�
Select [SP2] and set the Switch Point temperature limit
Select [rP2] and Reset the Switch Point temperature limit�
Menu CFG:
Main menu:
10.4.2 Analogue output temperature (OUT2)
Select [SEL2] and set TEMP�
Select [OU2] and set the analogue function:
I (4���20 mA) or U (0���10 V)�
Select [ASP2] and set the temperature value at which the minimum
current or voltage value is provided�
Select [AEP2] and set the temperature value at which the maximum
current or voltage value is provided�
Menu CFG:
Main menu: