10.5.3 Analogue signal pressure OUT2
Select [uni�P] and set the unit of measurement�
Select [SEL2] and set PRES�
► Select [ou2] and select analogue signal: I (4...20 mA)
Select [ASP2] and set the value at which 4 mA is provided�
Select [AEP2] and set the value at which 20 mA is provided�
Menu OUT2:
10.6 User settings (optional)
10.6.1 Standard display
Select [diS�L] and set process value display:
= current process value for volumetric flow
-L2�Temp = current process value for flow and temperature
-L2�Pres = current process value for volumetric flow and pressure
= current process value for volumetric flow and totaliser
= current process value for volumetric flow and
temperature and pressure
= current process value for volumetric flow and
temperature and pressure and current totaliser value
Select [diS�U] and set refresh rate of the display:
-d1 = high
-d2 = medium
-d3 = low
Select [diS�R] and set the orientation of the display:
0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
Select [diS�B] and set the brightness of the display:
25 %, 50 %, 75 %, 100 %
or OFF (= energy-saving mode� The display is switched off in the
operating mode� Error messages are displayed even if the display is
deactivated� Display activation by pressing any key�)
Menu DIS:
10.6.2 Standard unit of measurement for volumetric flow
Select [uni�F] and set unit of measurement for standard display
/min, m
/h, m/s, ft
/h, ft
/min, ft/s�
Set [uni�F] prior to configurating the outputs�
The consumed quantity (meter reading) is automatically displayed
in the unit of measurement providing the highest accuracy�
Menu CFG: