IO-Link Master with EtherNet/IP Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Use acyclic services
The AL1120 offers the following options to execute acyclic commands:
Command channels in cyclic process data
Within the cyclic input and output data, special areas are available for the acyclic data transmission.
Both read and write access can be implemented via the areas.
Principle of the command channels
General process of an acyclic communication:
1 Write command request
In the request channel: write requested command data (without [Trigger] bit)
Set [Trigger] = 1.
Change of [Trigger] = 1 indicates a new command.
In the response channel: all bytes are set to 0.
Command processing is started.
2 Check status
In the response channel: check [Handshake] bit.
If [Handshake] <> 0: command processing completed, continue with step 3.
If [Handshake] == 0: command is processed, repeat step 2.
3 Read command response
In the response channel: read responsed user data.
In the request channel: set [Trigger] = 0.