IO-Link Master with EtherNet/IP Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Read cyclic input data
The user can access the cyclic input data of the connected sensors and IO-Link devices via the
controller tags of the AL1120.
To check the validity of the cyclic process data, evaluate the PQI byte (
Mapping: PQI
Even with an interruption of the fieldbus connection the PQI byte indicates that the process
data is valid. This can have unintended impact on the control process.
► Take suitable measures to detect an interruption of the fieldbus connection.
To access the input data:
Starting RSLogix5000.
Open the EtherNet/IP project.
In the project tree: Mouse click on [Controller Tags] > [AL1120.I]
The window shows the data structure with cyclic input data ([AL1120.I:Data])
Mapping of the inputs to the data structure [AL1120.I:Data]:
Cyclic data
Write cyclic output data
The user can access the cyclic output data of the connected actuators and IO-Link devices via the
controller tags of the AL1120.
To check the validity of the cyclic process data, evaluate the PQI byte (
Mapping: PQI
Even with an interruption of the fieldbus connection the PQI byte indicates that the process
data is valid. This can have unintended impact on the control process.
► Take suitable measures to detect an interruption of the fieldbus connection.
To access the cyclic output data:
Starting RSLogix5000.
Open the EtherNet/IP project.
In the project tree: Mouse click on [Controller Tags] > [AL1120.O]
The window shows the data structure with cyclic output data ([AL1120.O:Data])
Mapping of the outputs to the data structure [AL1120.C:O]:
Cyclic data