IO-Link Master with AS-Interface Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
13.3.15 0x0D: Update Firmware
The command updates the firmware of the IO-Link masters via the AS-i network. The bytes 4...9
contain the "update" string in hexadecimal representation.
Carry out the following steps in the correct sequence:
During the firmware update, disconnect all IO-Link devices from the IO-Link master to
avoid unexpected behaviour (deactivate ports).
The command uses 1 AS-i input slave and 4 AS-i output slaves for the data transmission. The
valid address range for the basic AS-i slave of the AC6000 is restricted to 1...27.
Ensure that 5 connected AS-i addresses are available for the update process.
Select and set the valid address for the basic AS-i slave of the AC6000.
Ensure that the PLC application does not write any data to the AS-i outputs during the
update process.
ifm recommends using the function block "_FWUpdate" of the library ifm_AC600x_Lib for
CODESYS for the firmware update.
1. Deactivate all IO-Link ports of the AC6000 (
0x02: Write IO-Link Port Configuration
2. For AS-i master, activate the Projection Mode.
3. Allow PLC access to the AS-i outputs (Output Access)
4. Execute the command "0x0D: Updating Firmware".
5. After the update, disconnect the device from power and reconnect it.
The boot loader verifies the CRC sum and container version of the firmware file.
If the update has been successful, each channel of the AS-i input slaves indicates the value 0x01.