User Manual
Remote reset started... Station will reboot now.
Station is being rebooted.
Station rebooted. Please unplug your vehicle.
CCS only:
Station rebooted during a charge. Please
unplug and retry to launch the charge.
Warning: insulation failure.
Cable insulation failed. Please contact support.
The error messages are displayed with a characteristic screen. They are thus easily identifiable by the user. A
warning pictogram is displayed along with the error message as shown below.
The table below list errors messages who appears on the screen.
Error resolution
Error occurred: 0x02 - 0X03 - 0X81
Emergency stop. Please unplug your vehicle and re-
lease the emergency button.
Not in CHAdeMO:
Emergency stop was initiated.
Please unplug your vehicle and release the emergen-
cy button.
Error occurred: 0x02 - 0X03 - 0X81
Emergency stop. Please unplug your vehicle and re-
lease the emergency button.
CHAdeMO only:
Emergency stop was initiated. Please
unplug your vehicle, press X and release the emer-
gency button.
Error occurred: 0x0A - 0x86
The charging station is overheating. Please unplug
your vehicle and check that no air vent is clogged.
Not in CHAdeMO:
The charging station is overheat-
ing. Please unplug your vehicle and check that no air
vent is clogged.
Error occurred: 0x0A - 0x86
The charging station is overheating. Check that no air
vent is clogged. Please press X once your vehicle is
CHAdeMO only:
The charging station is overheating.
Please unplug your vehicle, press X and check that no
air vent is clogged.
Error occurred: 0x51
The connection with the vehicle was lost. Please un-
plug your vehicle.
Not in CHAdeMO:
The connection with the vehicle
was lost. Please unplug your vehicle.
Error occurred: 0x07 - 0x29 - 0x51
The connection with the vehicle was lost. Please press
X once your vehicle is unplugged.
CHAdeMO only:
The connection with the vehicle was
lost. Please unplug then press X.
Error occurred: 0x22 - 0x33
Connector error. Please keep the connector closely
leant against your vehicle when plugging, until the
charge has started.
Not in CHAdeMO:
Connector error. Please keep the
connector closely leant against your vehicle when
plugging, until the charge has started.