Chapter 5 BIOS
BIOS Menu 11: RTC Wake Settings
Wake system with Fixed Time [Disabled]
Use the
Wake system with Fixed Time
option to enable or disable the
system wake on alarm event.
The real time clock (RTC) cannot generate a
wake event.
If selected, the
Wake up every day
appears allowing you to enable to disable the
system to wake every day at the specified
time. Besides, the following options appear
with values that can be selected:
Wake up date
Wake up hour
Wake up minute
Wake up second
After setting the alarm, the computer turns
itself on from a suspend state when the alarm
goes off.
Serial Port Console Redirection
Serial Port Console Redirection
menu (
BIOS Menu 12
) allows the
console redirection options to be configured. Console redirection allows users
to maintain a system remotely by re-directing keyboard input and text output
through the serial port.