Modular Hi-Rise Replacement Series – MIY
was selected during order entry. By default, the unit is
designed to allow for electrical supply wiring to be pulled
directly through the side of the cabinet into the circuit
breaker box.
All components furnished for field installation by either the
factory or the controls contractor should be located and
checked for proper function and compatibility. All internal
components should be checked for shipping damage, and
any loose connections should be tightened to minimize
problems during start-up.
Any devices such as fan switches or thermostats that
have been furnished from the factory for field installation
must be wired in strict accordance with the wiring
diagram that appears on the unit. Failure to do so could
result in personal injury or damage to components, and
will void all manufacturer’s warranties.
The fan motor should never be controlled by any wiring or
device other than a properly selected thermostat, without
factory authori zation. Fan motor(s) may be temporarily
wired for use during construction only with prior factory
approval in strict accordance with the instructions issued
at that time.
Exposed Unit Touch-up and Repainting
Quick finish wall panel kits may be furnished with a
thermally-bonded powder-coated finish. Small scratches
in this finish may be repaired with touch-up paint available
from the factory. Some colors of touch-up paint are
available in aerosol containers and all standard touch-up
paint is available in pint, quart, and gallon cans. Contact
the factory for availability.
When repainting a surface, the finish should be prepared
by light sanding with #280 grit sand paper or #000 or
#0000 fine steel wool. The surface may also be wiped
with a liquid surface etch cleaning product. These items
should be available at most paint product stores. It should
be noted that the more conscientiously this preparation is
done, the more effective it will be.
After this preparation is accomplished, the factory finish
should provide excellent adhesion for a variety of air-dried
top coats. Enamel will give a more durable, higher gloss
finish, while latex will not adhere as well and will give a
dull, softer finish.
Factory aerosol touch-up paint may require a number
of light “dust coats” to isolate the factory-baked enamel
finish from the quick drying touch-up paint.
Operating Conditions
Maximum Operating Pressure – 250 psi
Maximum inlet water temperature – 180°F (heating)
Operates at minimum of 90% rated voltage
Consult rating software for maximum external static
Max ESP for MIY with electric heat – 0.20” wg on High/
Medium speeds and 0.12” wg on Low speed.
Before beginning any start-up operation, the start-up
personnel should familiarize themselves with the unit,
options and accessories, and control sequence to under-
stand the proper system operation. All personnel should
have a good working knowledge of general start-up
procedures and have the appropriate start-up and
balancing guides available for consultation.
The initial step in any start-up operation should be a final
visual inspection. All equipment, plenums, duct-work, and
piping should be inspected to verify that all systems are
complete and properly installed and mounted, and that no
debris or foreign articles such as paper or drink cans are
left in the units or other areas.
Each unit should be checked for loose wires, free blower
wheel operation, and loose or missing access panels or
doors. Except as required during start-up and balancing
operations, no fan coil units should be operated without
all the proper ductwork attached, supply and return grilles
in place, and all access doors and panels in place and
secure. A clean filter of the proper size and type must also
be installed. Failure to do so could result in damage to
the equipment or building and furnishings and/or void all
manufacturer’s warranties.