NEO 2 Interface Developer’s Guide
Copyright © 2019, International Technologies & Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.
Card Application Selection
Combined Selection
The selection of a card application may be based on a Kernel ID, transaction type, and other
requirements. The Selection Features tag (FFE3 or DFEE4D) directs the flow through the
selection logic in the firmware. In addition, the selection of an AID may be based on a list of
transaction types that it supports. Depending on the transaction type, the AID may be mapped
to a different Configurable Group. This entire process is referred to as “Combined Selection.”
Selection Features (FFE3 or DFEE4D)
The following table defines each of the bits in the Selection Features tag (FFE3 or DFEE4D)
and describes how they control the logic flow.
Feature Name
Reserved for future use.
Extended Selection
Allow the Extended Selection value optionally provided by the card
in PPSE to be added to the AID for final selection. The resulting AID
must be less than or equal to 16 bytes or the candidate will not be
added to the candidate list.
0 = the Extended Selection value, if provided by the card, will not be
appended to the AID value for final selection.
1 = the Extended Selection value, if provided by the card, will be
appended to the AID value, if it fits (AID + ES <= 16), for use in final
Cardholder Confirmation
Not Supported
0 = Cardholder Confirmation is allowed for this AID. If API bit 8
(Cardholder Confirmation) is true, the application will not be added
to the candidate list.
1 = Customer Cardholder Confirmation is not allowed for this AID,
API bit 8 (Cardholder Confirmation) will be ignored.
API Required
0 = the API is not required for this AID and the application may be
added to the candidate list if the API is missing.
1 = the API is required for this AID; the application will not be added
to the candidate list if the API is missing.
Invalid AID Allowed
0 = any invalid AID will cause this AID to terminate the transaction.
1 = any invalid AID will be ignored as related to this AID.
Duplicate AID Allowed
0 = a duplicate AID, whether extended or not, is not allowed and will
not be added to the candidate list.
1 = a duplicate AID, whether extended or not, is allowed and may be
added to the candidate list.
Enable Kernel ID
1 = allow the evaluation of the Kernel ID.
0 = if a Kernel ID is provided by the card it is ignored.
Reserved for future use.
Refer to the
for the configuration of selection features for each of the
AIDs. If no Selection Features tag (FFE3) is specified, then no selection features are specified.