ID TECH Spectrum Air User Manual
Copyright © 2020, International Technologies & Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Installing a Drain Wire
If you’re experiencing a loss of communication with the Spectrum Air and suspect it could be related
to ESD, grounding the chassis to earth ground will provide additional protection.
To ground the Spectrum Air, attach a drain wire to the Spectrum Air’s frame at one of the points
highlighted below using a M3.0x8mm screw and corresponding nut with M3x0.5mm thread, or to the
screw securing the chassis to the bezel:
RS232 Interface
The reader is plugged into a DB9 connector on the host computer and the 5-volt power supply
connected to the DC connector on the backside of the DB9 connector.
As a standard serial interface, the host must be configured to accept the data and perform the
appropriate processing. For the RS232 interface device, the host application's RS-232 parameters
(baud rate, Start/Stop characters, parity, and handshaking method) need to match those expected by
the reader. The reader by default communicates at 38.4K BAUD, 8-bit, no parity, and 1-stop bit. The
magnetic reader's output can be formatted with terminating characters and special preamble and/or
postamble character strings to match the data format expected by the host.
USB CDC Interface
Plug the reader into a standard USB connector on the host computer. The “found new hardware”
screen would pop up. Follow the prompts and install the USB CDC driver 80066803-004 Sftw;
USBCDC inf;MM2;SM;MOIR;HIR;Win7. After the USB CDC driver is installed, the reader would be a
virtual COM device.