Using the Reference Layout
The P9038-R-EVK reference layout is a simplified two-layer design optimized for high-performance, small-size, and ease-of-use.
Its purpose is to minimize design-in effort and risk by providing a proven solution that can be imported into an existing system
design. When circumstances permit, it is highly recommended to copy the reference layout. This will accelerate design time to
market at final product level.
Importing the Reference Layout
The P9038-R-EVK reference design was created using Cadence PCB design software. This software has been used to generate
layout modules which can be rapidly deployed onto PCB designs using Cadence OrCAD CIS and Cadence Allegro PCB Editor.
The P9038 Allegro layout module is labeled P9038-R-EVK.mdd and can be downloaded at
. It will
load into an existing or new PCB design file by following these instructions:
1. Use or copy the P9038-R-EVK schematic file (.dsn) and export the netlist to a PCB file.
2. Move the file P9038-R-EVK.mdd to the same directory as the PCB design file.
3. Import the netlist into the PCB file (.brd).
4. Open the PCB design file (.brd) and click on the menu Place
a. Select Place by Page Number and select the page the P9038 circuitry resides on.
Figure 1. Cadence Quickplace Option Box used for Placing the IDT Layout Module by Page Number
b. Click Place. Click Ok.
5. Select the parts that were placed from the schematic that matches the schematic used from the P9038-R-EVK.
a. In the Find Filter, select Symbols, then left click and drag to highlight all of the components that were just placed.
b. Right click on any of the highlighted parts and select “Place Replicate Apply
c. Select the P9038-R-EVK.mdd file and select Ok.
d. Components should be matched. If unmatched, manually identify and match component reference designators
based on schematic location.
6. Enter the coordinates (x,y location) in the command window where the P9038 circuit should be placed.