Q: What happens when I set more than one
A: When more than one alarm is activated,
each alarm is independent if the gap
between them is more than 25 minutes. If
the gap between them is less than 25
minutes, when the later alarm starts, it
overrides the earlier alarm, unless the
earlier alarm has been switched off already.
Q: Why do I have to touch the clock a few
times to snooze it?
A: The clock is snoozed by touching the top
center of it. If you only use a fingertip to
touch it, it is likely that you will miss the
snooze area. Try to cover a bigger area
when you snooze the alarm.
Q: Why does the temperature on the clock
differ from my thermometer reading?
A: The accuracy of the clock's thermometer
, and it reflects the ambient
temperature around the clock.