Time Controller Series User Manual
Section 6: Operating the Time Controller Software
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Figure 22: An example timestamp data file, saved in text (.txt) format. Each row represents an individual detection event on
a single input channel, where up to four datafiles for up to four sets of input/reference channels can be acquired
simultaneously. The number in the left column, before the semicolon, is the timestamp: the time in picoseconds between a
detection event on the reference (‘start’) channel and the input (‘stop’) channel. The number in the right column, after the
semicolon, is the reference index: the number of events that have been registered on the reference channel prior to the
timestamp being recorded.
Initiate Acquisition
Use the Acquisition view to prepare and initiate a measurement.
Figure 23: Acquisition configuration view
Acquisition time:
Set the duration time of the acquisition.
Before acquisition:
Select the Clear checkbox to clear existing data at the start of the next acquisition.
Deselect the Clear checkbox to append the next acquisition’s data onto the currently
visible data.
After acquisition:
Select the Beep checkbox to trigger a beep sound from the host computer when the
acquisition time has passed.
Select the Stop checkbox to stop the acquisition when the acquisition time has
passed. Deselect the Stop checkbox to have the acquisition run repeat after each
acquisition time until the Stop button is pressed.
Click Run to start an acquisition.
Click Stop to stop an acquisition.
While not running acquisition, click Clear to clear the data from a previous acquisition.
If running an acquisition, click Clear to restart the acquisition.
Progress bar:
View how much of the acquisition has been completed in relation to the
Acquisition time.