Tunnel Master® wbc Installation Guide
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Preventative Maintenance and Inspection
Visually inspect unit daily for loose connections or damage.
Wipe exterior of unit with damp cloth to clean. Do not use chemicals or cleaning agents.
Central Log Server
For troubleshooting, you can view Tunnel Master® wbc operations data via the CLS (Central Log Server)
The application file is located on the site server. It can be started with a desktop shortcut. The
executable is in \\ICS\CLS\. A network connection to the Tunnel Master® wbc is required. Plug the
network cable into the RJ-45 terminal on the WBC main CPU board.
Serial Debug Port
If the network connection fails, you can use the RS-232 terminals to transmit debug and diagnostic
data from the Tunnel Master® wbc to a laptop computer. The RS-232 terminals are located on the main
CPU board. You can wire a female DB9 COM cable to the terminal.
1. Prepare a COM cable with a female DB9 connector on one end. Strip the other end to expose the
wires. Tone out the wires to the pins:
• 2 is receive data. Connect wire to TX on WBC.
• 3 is transmit data. Connect wire to RX on WBC.
• 5 is ground. Connect wire to GND on WBC.
2. Connect the female end of the COM cable to a serial port on a laptop computer. If the laptop does
not include a serial port, then use a serial (male) to USB converter.
3. The laptop must also include software to communicate with the Tunnel Master® wbc over a COM
port. ICS recommends the multi-threaded TTY (MTTTY) application, which is installed along with the
WBC software on the site’s network server. Locate the MTTTY.exe file in the WBC directory, you can
simply copy it to the laptop.
4. Start MTTTY.exe, and then verify the following settings:
• Select the Port.
• Set Baud to 115200.
• Set Parity to None.
• Set Data Bits to 8.
• Set Stop Bits to 1.
5. Click Connect.
Data from the Tunnel Master® wbc appears in the MTTTY window.