7034 Commerce Circle
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: 925.416.1000
Web: www.icselect.com
division of Systems West Inc.
4865B GPIB-to-LAN Interface
Instrument Interface
Adapts LAN instruments for
GPIB Test Systems.
Expands the number of instru-
ments that will work in your
GPIB test system.
Transparently passes all com-
mands to the companion LAN
Runs from any GPIB system.
AutoFind feature simplifies
instrument linkage.
Eliminates hunting and set-
ting/changing IP addresses.
Supports VXI-11 and raw
socket communication.
Works with most LAN instru-
Saves instrument replacement
costs and helps reuse existing
test software.
Passes GPIB commands onto
the LAN instrument.
Easy configuration from any
web browser
Internal webserver with
Welcome and Configuration
Drop-in replacement for the
original 4865.
Faster data transfer with a
faster processor.
RoHS Construction
ICS's 4865B is a GPIB-to-LAN Instru-
ment Interface that enables instruments with
an Ethernet interface to be controlled from a
GPIB Bus. Using the 4865B, GPIB applica-
tions can transparently connect to and control
a LAN-based instrument just as if it were a
GPIB Instrument. The 4865B handles both
VXI-11 compatible instruments and instru-
ments that use raw socket (TCP/IP) protocol.
Data transfer is bi-directional.
The 4865B solves the problem of how to
interface an instrument with an Ethernet in-
terface to the GPIB bus. Applications include
replacing obsolete or failed GPIB instruments
with a newer instrument that may not have
a GPIB interface or just adding a new LAN
instrument to a GPIB bus system. Several
OEM board versions are available that can
be housed inside larger instruments.
The 4865B adds an IEEE-488.2 compli-
ant, GPIB interface to a VXI-11.3 compatible
instrument. IEEE-488.2 compliance for LXI
and raw socket instruments is determined by
the instrument's command capability.
Linking to the Instrument
The 4865B automatically finds the instru-
ment if the instrument is VXI-11 compatible,
or is a LXI instrument or is an instrument
that can perform the LXI 'VXI-11 Discovery'
process. AutoFind can be used with a 'Static'
IP or with the 'DHCP with AutoIP' setting
when the 4865B is directly connected to the
If AutoFind is en-
abled, the 4865B starts
the instrument discov-
ery process as soon as
it completes its power
turn-on and self-test
sequence. When the
4865B finds an instru-
ment that responds to the VXI-11 Discovery
process, the 4865B uses that IP address for
the instrument.
If the 4865B has been given a specific
IP address, the 4865B only looks for an
instrument at that address. Fixed IP ad-
dresses are recommended when the 4865B
to instrument connection is over the com-
pany network, when multiple instruments
may respond to the 4865B or for raw socket
VXI-11 Instruments
For VXI-11 compatible instruments, the
4865B converts 488.1 GPIB commands
into the equivalent VXI-11 RPC and sends
them to the instrument. Device messages
are transparently sent to the instrument and
instrument replies are returned to the GPIB
Controller, just like a GPIB instrument. The
4865B performs a background check of the
instrument's Status Register with the *STB?
query to create a virtual Status Byte Register
and asserts an SRQ on the GPIB bus when
a Service Request is detected.
Figure 1 4865B connects a LAN Instrument to the GPIB Bus
4865B LAN <=>GPIB Interface
LAN Instrument
8065 Ethernet to