ICP DAS WISE User Manual
If users select “32-bit Signed Long”, “32-bit Unsigned Long”, or
“32-bit Floating Point”, the option “Inverse (Big Endian)” will
appear. Enable “Inverse (Big Endian)” to receive the data in Big
Endian format correctly.
After finishing the “Start Address”, “Data Number”, and “Type”
setting; click on “Add” button. A new Holding Register address
block will be added to the Modbus address mapping table. All added
address blocks will be located in sequences staring from the Starting
Address (The address number on the first column of the “Local
Address” indicates the local Modbus address of WISE to keep the
Holding Register data.).
Figure 6-42 shows an example about Holding Register setting for a
Modbus RTU module. The starting Modbus address of the Holding
Register block is 40060(
+ 60), it requires to set 2 continuous
Holding Register data in the setting, and the data type is “32-bit
Floating Point”. So that the WISE can access the
0060 and
Holding Register address of the module, and these retrieved Holding
Register data will be kept in WISE Modbus Address
4500 and
Figure 6-42
Holding Register Setting Example for Modbus RTU module