ICP DAS WISE User Manual
7 Logger Setting
The Logger Setting function of the WISE provides recording of the I/O channel data
from I/O modules. It includes I/O Module Data Logger and User-Defined Data
Logger. The I/O Module Data Logger provides users to quickly record the data of all
I/O modules and Internal Registers of WISE. Unlike the I/O module data logger
function, the User-Defined Data Logger is a data logger allows users to freely select
channels from I/O modules or Internal Registers for data record, and provides
multiple independent settings to help users manage data logs. The data log files of
these two Data Loggers are both in CSV format, and the data log files will be
automatically sent to backend FTP servers or pre-defined Email addresses when the
log files are closed. It enables easy integration with the backend database system. In
addition, WISE also provides the MQTT Data Logger and Event Logger. The MQTT
Data Logger is using to record the message content of the Subscribe MQTT Topics.
The Event Logger is using to record the WISE‟s system event. The data log files of
the two type loggers all will be automatically sent to backend FTP servers.
The Logger Setting page includes following setting options. More detailed
information of these options will be given in the following section.
I/O Module Data Logger Setting
User-Defined Data Logger
MQTT Data Logger
Event Logger Setting
FTP Server Setting
Please note:
The data logger files inside the micro SD card will be stored by month. When the
micro SD card‟s free space is less than 10%, WISE will send an email to notice
the administrator that WISE will delete the old log files, and only keeps the data
logger files of the last month 24 hours later.
WISE provides data recovery mechanism so that when experiences network
disconnection, the data log files will be kept in WISE, and be recovered after the
network is resumed.
WISE provides alarm notification mechanism so that when microSD card is
damaged, the data log file will be stored in WISE‟s Flash memory to ensure zero
data loss of the data logger.