I8092F Getting Started Manual for XPAC_CE
Symmetrical & Asymmetrical Trapezoidal velocity profile
Symmetrical & Asymmetrical S-curve velocity profile
Acceleration & Deceleration mode
By user define
Position & Speed change on the fly
Fixed pulse output by Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profile
Pulse output option: CW/CCW, PULSE/DIR
Programmable logic level
Rising Edge/ Falling Edge
1.2.4 Encoder Input
Encoder option: A/B phase, Up/Down
Programmable A/B phase mode: 1, 1/2, and 1/4 A/B phase
Programmable direction of counter
1.2.5 Position counter
Command counter range
2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647
Encoder counter range
2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647
Programmable ring counter
Programmable direction of counter
Programmable read & write counter
1.2.6 Servo Motor Input Signal
Choose IN2: In Position or Servo Ready signal
Choose input signal: Enable/Disable and logical level.
1.2.7 Limit Switch Input Signal
Two-limit switch signal for each axis: +Limit,
Programmable logic level
Programmable action mode( slow-down stop or immediately stop)
1.2.8 Other Input Signals
IN3 : Digital Input of general purpose.