2.3 Input/Output Connections
The signal connections of all the I/O signals are described in this chapter. Please
refer the contents of this chapter befor wiring the cable between the i8092F and
the motor drivers.
2.3.1 Pulse output signals
There are 2-axis pulse output signals on I8092F, For every axis, two pairs of CW
and CCW signals are used to send the pulse train. The CW and CCW signals can
also be programmed as PULSE and DIR signals pait.
Two types of the pulse output
signal, Differential-Type and Open-Collector Type, can be selected from JP2/3 and JP4/5
and are described in section 2.2.2. The following wiring diagram is for the CW and CCW
signals of the 2-axis.
Output to Motor Drivers in Differential Circuit
Fig. 2.8 Differential-Type pulse output circuit
Open Collector TTL Output
Fig. 2.9 The wiring is open collector output
I8092F Getting Started ManualVer.2.3