I-8026W API User Manual, v1.0.1, June 2015
Copyright © 2015 ICP DAS Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. E-mail: [email protected]
Quick Start
ICP DAS provides a range of demo programs for different platforms that can be used to verify the
functions of the I-8026W. The source code contained in these programs can also be reused in your
own custom programs if needed. The executable file, can be used to retrieve the basic
configuration information related to the module and to verify the AI read functions. The basic
configuration information includes:
The version number and the FPGA version information
The gain and offset values for each input range and each channel
The data read from each channel
First, user need to download LinPAC SDK, which is includes GNU toolchain, Libraries, header,
examples files, etc.
Check the power cable, Ethernet cable, VGA monitor, the communication cable between
controller and PC has been connected well, and then check the I-8026W has been plugged in
the controller.
Next, check the communication between controller and PC is fine, and download the demo
program files to the controller.
User can find the related files in the product CD or below website: