“No Connection”
The CM (communication module) is unable to
establish a connection to the iCOMM™ web site.
Possible Causes:
• Internet access is not available
• Network security/firewall settings are preventing
access to the iCOMM™ web site.
Service Note:
Press the Display Button on the CM several times to
silence the alarm if it is sounding - see Figure 2 on
page 6 and Display Button Operation on page 30.
• Reboot the CM. Disconnect the round “5 VDC”
power plug to the CM for 10 seconds. Reconnect
the round “5 VDC” power plug to the CM and wait
5 minutes to establish a connection.
• Ensure the local Internet connection is allowing
access to the iCOMM™ web site:
Connect a laptop computer (see Tool Require-
ments on page 4) to the RJ45 male plug end that
provides local Internet access to the CM.
Try to access the iCOMM web site. Enter the
iCOMM web address (URL) in the address bar of
the laptop computer’s browser software and press
the enter key. The iCOMM™ web address is
shown on the CM labeling and on the cover of this
manual. Logging into a user account is not neces-
sary for this test. If the iCOMM™ web site is dis-
played in the browser window the test was
Enter some common web addresses (URLs) in
the address bar of the laptop computer’s browser
software such as www.google.com and press the
enter key.
If the laptop computer is unable to connect to any
web site the internet connection being provided to
the CM is not active. If the laptop computer is able
to connect to other web sites but is unable to
access the iCOMM™ web site there may be net-
work security settings or a firewall preventing
Contact the customer and/or their IT staff to cor-
rect these problems.
Correcting Internet access issues
responsibility of the iCOMM™ manufacturer or
the water heating appliance manufacturer - see
the System Requirements on page 3.
• If all the above steps have been performed and
the problem has not been corrected - call 888
928-3702 for further technical assistance.
CM LCD Error Message