“No Network Found”
The CM (communication module) is unable to detect
a LAN (local area network).
Possible Causes:
• Network cable(s) improperly connected
• Defective network cable(s)
• Customer’s router port being used by the CM is
not providing access to the LAN
• Customer’s network switch port being used by the
CM is not providing access to the LAN
• Customer’s wireless adapter port being used by
the CM is not providing access to the LAN
Service Note:
Press the Display Button on the CM several times to
silence the alarm if it is sounding - see Figure 2 on
page 6 and Display Button Operation on page 30.
• Perform the Pre Installation Internet Check on
page 5.
• Reboot the CM. Disconnect the round “5 VDC”
power plug to the CM for 10 seconds. Reconnect
the round “5 VDC” power plug to the CM and wait
5 minutes to establish a connection.
• Ensure the RJ45 male plug end providing local
Internet service is fully plugged into the LAN port
on the CM - see Figure 2 on page 6 and the Sys-
tem Requirements on page 3.
• Ensure the opposite end of the cable plugged into
the CM’s LAN port is fully plugged into a working
port on the router, network switch or wireless
adapter providing access to the local area net-
• Check the network cable(s) connected between
the CM’s LAN port and the router, network switch
or wireless adapter with an network cable tester -
see Tool Requirements on page 4. Repair/replace
any defective cables
• Contact the customer and/or their IT staff to cor-
rect the problem.
Correcting local area network access issues
the responsibility of the iCOMM™ manufac-
turer or the water heating appliance manufacturer
- see the System Requirements on page 3.
• If all the above steps have been performed and
the problem has not been corrected - call 888
928-3702 for further technical assistance.
CM LCD Error Message