Monitor audible function
The montor functon allows you to open the transcever’s squelch
manually to check whether a channel s busy or not. The transcever
has 2 condtons for receve standby.
• Audible condition
All sgnals are
Ths condton mutes audo ONLY when no
carrer s present. You can receve (or mon-
tor) any sgnals on a channel.
• Push and hold
to release the CTCSS
or DTCS tone squelch mute.
Any receved audo s emtted whle pushng
and holdng
• Inaudible condition
Only sgnals con-
tanng the proper
tone are receved.
Ths condton mutes ALL sgnals except
those drected to you. Therefore you should
check a channel’s condton (busy or not)
wth the montor functon before transmttng.
• Push
to mute the CTCSS or DTCS
tone squelch mute.
Time-Out Timer
The transcever has a tme-out tmer functon. Ths functon pre-
vents contnuous, extend transmssons. Ths tmer automatcally
turns a transmsson OFF 3 mn. after t starts.