| Icera USA | St. Thomas Creations
| ww.stthomascreations.com
Step 1.
Open the hinge set kit,
which should contain 2 of each
part. Please insure you have 2
of each item before getting
started. You will also need a
Philips head screwdriver and a
wrench (optional). See parts
Step 2.
Insert the clear
plastic filler washer onto the
bottom of each gray seat
post. Make sure the washer
is secure.
Step 3.
Place the gray plastic
seat post onto the bowl, insert
the Phillips head screw into the
slotted area, and make sure the
screw goes through the hole on
the bowl.
Step 4.
Take the white wing nuts
and attach it to the screw. Please
do not fully tighten this nut. The
posts should be left loose
enough to adjust the seat into
the correct position. Repeat the
process for the second seat post.
Step 5.
Once you have secured
both post to the bowl tight but
loose enough to adjust the seat
again, insure that the post are
not fully tighten. Take the toilet
seat and secure it to both seat
post, make sure that they lock
into place.
Step 6. This is an important step.
Take the time to align the seat to
the toilet bowl insuring that it sits
evenly from the front to the back
of the bowl. Also align the seat
from side to side to insure it has a
perfect fit.