ibidi Heating System 4 Slides – Silver Line
In this dialog, it is possible to set the alarm limits for deviating control parameters. Move
from the mode menu to the alarm menu by pressing the “up/right” button.
The maximum and minimum limits of the alarm can be set for each individual channel. If the alarm
is activated (which happens when the current value goes below/above the low/high limits), the
current value (I) blinks, showing alternately the value and “low” or “high”, respectively. To stop the
display blinking, navigate to the blinking channel and press the round button once.
Channel = 4
High = 42°C
Low = 36°C
Figure 17: Alarm settings dialog.
Set the brightness and contrast of the display in the preferences menu.
Backlight = 65
Contrast = 15
Figure 18: Preferences dialog.
Information about the serial number and firmware version is shown in the info dialog.
SN: ibiTC30018
FW 3.1.1 TC
Figure 19: Info display.
Temperature Adjustment in the Sample
The ibidi Temperature Controller – Silver Line controls the temperature of the actively heated com-
ponents (Heated Lid and Heated Plate). The temperature in the sample results from the interaction of
all heated parts with the supporting microscopy stage and the sample. Therefore, the temperature at
the position of the cells must be measured and adjusted for each specific setup to achieve the optimal
temperature (e.g., 37°C).
When starting the temperature adjustment in the sample in your specific setup, use the recommended
temperature settings (e.g., for a 37°C sample temperature):
Version 1.0 (August 1, 2022)
Instruction Manual