Issue 1.11
3 settings are available for mirror mode:
: The data is not mirrored, so this ibaPDA system is the only one that can
acquire data and configure the devices.
: This ibaPDA system configures the Flex devices on the link. The data and
the device configurations are mirrored so that other ibaPDA systems can also ac-
quire the data.
: This ibaPDA system receives the device configuration from the master
ibaPDA so that it can acquire data configured by the master ibaPDA.
The slave ibaPDA can get the device configuration from the master ibaPDA by using the
“autodetect” function. A slave ibaPDA cannot change the device configuration. The slave
ibaPDA shows the link and its modules in the signal tree with lock symbols.
When the acquisition has been started on the slave ibaPDA, the slave waits until it re-
ceives the configuration from the master. If this configuration is different from the current
configuration, the slave will load the new configuration.
If the slave doesn’t receive a configuration within 6 s, an error message will be generated.
When the option “Allow start of the acquisition when the link is in slave mirror mode and
master isn’t connected” is enabled, then the acquisition will start anyway with the last
When the master ibaPDA changes the configuration while the slave ibaPDA is acquiring
then the slave will automatically restart. Telegram size calculation with 32Mbit Flex
The data size per participant is dynamically allocated in a 32Mbit Flex ring. The data size
is calculated by ibaPDA and it depends on the configured number of analog and digital
signals and the smallest configured time base in the ring.
Beginning with version 6.33.1, ibaPDA provides a simulator which calculates the data
size that can be transmitted via fiber optics with 32Mbit Flex protocol. The simulator is in
the Configuration tab in the link module.