Issue 1.4
System integration
Time source via FO
Several distributed ibaPDA systems can be synchronized exactly at the same time with
ibaClock. ibaClock receives the time signal of the GPS satellites; alternatively a IRIG-B
or PTP time source can be used. Subsequently the time information is transferred via
FO to connected ibaPDA systems.
With the first ibaPDA system, the configuration is made by ibaPDA or the web interface.
The configuration system must be connected with ibaClock via a bidirectional FO con-
nection. An additional Ethernet cabling is hereby not necessary.
Measuring systems which are located very far apart can also be synchronized. There-
fore, each measuring point needs an ibaClock module which synchronizes the recording
of the corresponding ibaPDA system to the global GPS time. The local time zone is taken
into consideration. Thus, the local time is used in the measuring data. To compare the
measuring data, the offset against the GPS time has to be taken into account. The offset
will be saved as an information field in the measuring data.