Group to VLAN
This page displays the configured Group Name to a VLAN for the switch.
To display the Group to VLAN configuration in the web interface:
Click Monitor / VCL / Group to VLAN
Check the Auto-Refresh check box to have the page automatically refresh every 3 seconds.
Group Name to VLAN Parameters:
Group Name
A valid Group Name is a string of at the most 16 characters which consists of a combination of
alphabets (a-z or A-Z) and integers(0-9), no special character is allowed. Whichever Group
name you try map to a VLAN must be present in Protocol to Group mapping table and must not
be pre-used by any other existing mapping entry on this page.
Indicates the ID to which Group Name will be mapped. A valid VLAN ID ranges from 1-4095.
Port Members
A row of check boxes for each port is displayed for each Group name to VLAN ID mapping. To
include a port in a mapping, check the box. To remove or exclude the port from the mapping
uncheck the box. By default no ports are members and all boxes are unchecked.
Auto-refresh: Check this box to refresh the page automatically. Automatic refresh occurs every 3
Refresh: Click to manually refresh the page.
IP Subnet-based VLAN
This page shows static IP subnet-based VLAN entries.
To display the IP Subnet-based VLA Membership Status in the web interface:
Click Monitor / VCL / IP Subnet-based VLAN
Check the Auto-Refresh check box to have the page automatically refresh every 3 seconds.
IP Subnet-based VLAN Parameters:
Indicates the index of the entry. It is user configurable. Its value ranges from 0-128. If a VCE ID is
0, the application will auto-generate the VCE ID for that entry. Deletion and lookup of IP subnet-
based VLAN are based on VCE ID.
IP Address
Indicates the IP Address
Mask Length
Indicates the network mask length.
Indicates the VLAN ID. VLAN ID can be changed for the existing entries.