Refer to the User manual for details of each function.
・The image quality adjustment function may affect each other.
・If necessary, adjust the brightness level of the screen.
Darkens the
brightens the
(1) Adjust the visibility
[Light control mode], [Intelligent Auto], [Super Dynamic], [Contrast level], [High light
compensation(HLC)], [Adaptive black stretch], [Adaptive highlight stretch], [Maximum
gain], [Maximum shutter], [pedestal level]
(2) Adjust the color
[White balance], [Chroma gain level]
(3) Remove the noise
[Digital noise reduction], [Sharpness level]
Adjust brightness of the object (bright scene)
Adjust brightness
Adjust the brightness of the object.
Live image page setup panel>Clicking the [Image quality] tab enables you to set the image
(1) Adjust the [Brightness] of [Image quality]
Moving in the [+] direction brightens the image.
Moving in the [-] direction darkens the image.
9. Other
9.6 Adjust brightness of the object (bright scene)