In the case of TFT, there exists what are known as
dead pixels
bright dots
(due to the complexity of the manufacturing process), in such cases, there
exists a maximum limit permitted by law (ISO 13406/02) that allows this not to be
considered defective.
The power supplies or chargers and batteries will have a
guarantee limited to six months as long as they used within the established operating
conditions for the correct usage have not been exposed to power surges.
It will be necessary that the equipment has a legible serial number,
that the guarantee seal has not been manipulated and in perfect state; that the
equipment has all original seals in all components so that the guarantee is valid.
The guarantee period starts in the moment of first purchase of the
product. The reparation or substitution of the product will not imply an extension of
the guarantee period.
In the case that the product is not covered by the guarantee, a
budget will be drawn up which has to be approved by the client. In the case that the
budget is not approved by the client, the client must pay for the cost incurred in the
transportation, manipulation and diagnosis of the product.
Once the product is repaired after notifying the client, the client will
have a period of ten working days to pick up the product. After this period of time, a
daily storage charge will be applicable depending on the volume of the product.
C/ Mario Roso de Luna, 31 · P.I. Fin de Semana · 28022-Madrid (Spain)
Tel. +34 902 55 55 60
(Technical doubts)