Experts are persons, who
are trained and experienced in the corresponding field,
are familiar with the relevant standards, regulations, provisions and security codes,
have been instructed in the mode of operation and the operating conditions of the
equipment components,
can identify and avert dangers.
Depending on the tasks to be performed, the following user groups are distinguished:
Operators: Persons who
operate the product,
monitor, interrupt, terminate and restore operation of the product.
Service personnel: Persons who
set up the product,
prepare and restore the operational state,
adjust and/or parameterize the product,
monitor, interrupt, terminate and restore operation of the product,
maintain, care for, and repair the product.
2.3.2 Electromagnetic compatibility
For function-related reasons, increased electromagnetic radiation may occur with specific
products, e.g. RF radio systems. Taking into consideration that unborn life is increasingly
worthy of being protected, pregnant women should be protected through appropriate
measures. People with personal medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and
hearing aids can also be endangered by electromagnetic radiation. The network operator
is obliged to assess workplaces with a considerable risk of exposure to radiation and to
avert any hazards. Electromagnetic compatibility for North America
For compliance with the electromagnetic radiation and the limit values with regard to the
security of the general population in high-frequency fields, the document "RF Exposure"
must always be observed. For the proper operation of the product, the limit values speci-
fied in the document "RF Exposure" must always be complied with. For this purpose, site-
specific calculations by the network operator may be required.
The document "RF Exposure Info" is available at the following URL as a PDF file:
For this purpose, the first three digits of the FCC Identifier must be entered on the form as
"Grantee Code" (ZW4) and the remaining digits as "Product Code", refer to
tified frequency ranges (FCC/IC)” on page 14
2.3.3 Notes on the electrical system
The product may be operated only in the operational states specified by the manufacturer
without impairment of the ventilation.
Safety regulations
Safety measures > Notes on the electrical system
DIB-R5 flexibleTx
Operation Manual 90DIBR5flexibleTxOM02 - 1.2