© Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc.
Since you have a waste water discharge pump, the big rig's semi-permanent giant sewer hose on an inclined pathway to the dump won't work for you - you have
to run the pump anyway, so why not just dispense with all that unsightly and potentially hazardous plumbing? Full hookup sites have a handy sewer dump right at
your campsite. When your fresh water runs low, refill your fresh water tanks, dump your waste water holding tanks, and you're good to go. You can now drive
off anytime merely by stowing your electrical cord.
Simplify, Simplify
Campgrounds capitalize on the helplessness of non-self-contained RVs by charging a premium for full hookup sites. You aren't helpless. With an electric-only
hookup, you drive a short distance to the campground's fresh water source and waste water dump every few days. Do it on the way to the store or other trip
that you're going to take anyway, and it's no bother. In addition to saving money, you'll also have a choice of more campsites, since not all of them have full
hookups, or the even better choice of no campsite at all to take advantage of the Aktiv's extended boondocking capability. You can stay out there until you run
out of groceries if you want.
Freedom from hookups also opens a whole range of national and provincial forest campgrounds with limited or no hookups to you. There is also dispersed
camping in national forests and crown lands and other boondocking
options, where you find your own campsite. There are rules for where you can and can't boondock, so
check the forest websites or drop in at the ranger station for information. Once you're out there, don't
look around for those big rigs who are dependent on hookups - they're all back in town. It's just you
and nature, with the occasional backpacker.
Leveling Your Aktiv
Aktivs don't have or need the built-in leveling jacks and stands large RVs have - it's usually easy enough
to move back and forth in your campsite until you are reasonably level. However, many Aktiv owners
buy and carry leveling blocks for those places where finding a level spot is difficult. These are available in
most camping supply stores or can be ordered online. They go under your tires, and can be stacked in
various combinations to lift the low corner or end of your vehicle enough to get comfortable. Many
Aktiv owners install a small bubble level in an inconspicuous place visible from the driver's seat to assist
with the leveling process.
How level is level? In general, if it's level enough to be comfortable for you, it's probably good enough
for your plumbing.
Leveling blocks.