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In 3-4 days, most blue-green algae will have lost their buoyancy and should be on, or
settling, to the pond bottom. They can be re-suspended via aeration bringing them up
to the light which may prolong the time it takes for them to fully die off.
Green algae (filamentous types) and colonial types require 2-3 weeks before the
damage results in them turning brown. They will normally float to the surface at this
time due to the bacterial digestion process breaking them down. It takes about 7-10
days from that point before they are sufficiently digested to lose buoyancy and sink.
Some users will rake them out as the die-off begins or you may just let them settle to
the bottom. If you do the latter, bioaugmentation can speed up the digestion process
and help remove the biomass.
Diatoms react similarly to Green algae but lose mobility quickly which hastens their
dying process.
In water processing or treatment equipment, the ultrasound will be sensed by
anaerobic bacteria as water turbulence. This will prevent the anaerobes from
attempting colonization in a treated zone. Anaerobes start the process by forming a
base layer of biofilm that the aerobic bacteria attach themselves to. Without this layer
the bacteria cannot accumulate which, in turn, keeps the equipment walls cleaner for
longer periods of time.