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The General Terms and Conditions
are available at our home page
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and Conditions.
HN 28-22
HYDAC standard 28-22 with dimen-
sions for the installation space for
clogging indicators.
IEC DIN EN 60204-1
Electric equipment of machines -
Part 1: General requirements. This
part of IEC 60204 is applicable to
electric, electronic and program-
mable electronic equipment and
systems for machines, which are
not carried by hand during opera-
tion and includes a group of ma-
chines that work together in a coor-
dinated manner. The equipment,
which is covered by this part of IEC
60204, begins at the location of the
power supply of the electric equip-
ment of the machine.
KB marking of filter elements
Filter elements with the -KB mark-
ing do not have a bypass.
Operating personnel - General
Such persons have been instructed
about the handling and operation of
the product and informed about po-
tential dangers to body and life,
property and environmental con-
tamination that can result from im-
proper use.
Specialist personnel - Electrical
Such persons have specific special-
ist training and several years' work
experience. They are able to as-
sess and perform the work as-
signed to them, they are also able
to recognize potential dangers.
Specialist personnel - General
Such persons have specific special-
ist training and several years' work
experience. They are able to as-
sess and perform the work as-
signed to them, they are also able
to recognize potential dangers.