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BeWa CTM-EF3x3x 4436386 en-us lq
Analysis fluid
The test liquid/flushing fluid is called the
analysis fluid after it has coated the test
item in an extraction process and has
transported the particle-laden liquid to
the filter membrane.
Brush discharge/corona discharge
Brush discharges can occur when
grounded lines are moved towards
charged isolating objects e.g. between a
person's finger and a plastic surface or
between a metallic object and the sur-
face of the fluid in a tank. Brush dis-
charges are of a shorter duration when
compared to corona discharges and can
be visible and audible. The illustration
shows a schematic representation of
brush discharge. Although brush dis-
charges normally only have a fraction of
the energy of a spark discharge, they
can ignite most flammable gases and
vapors. (1) Charged, insolating equip-
ment, (2) Conductive, grounded object
with a curvature radius of above approx.
5 mm, (3) Brush discharge, (4) Conduc-
tive, grounded, needle-shaped object
with a radius of curvature of less than
0.5 mm, (5) Corona discharge.
(Source:TRGS727 / DGUV213-060)
ContaminationTest Module - Extraction
DGUV is the abbreviation for the
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallver-
sicherung (German statutory accident in-
surance). This body issues accident pre-
vention instructions whose compliance is
checked by the inspectors of the acci-
dent insurance companies. Below this
instruction level, the accident insurance
companies also work out comprehensive
regulations (rules, information and prin-
ciples) to support the businessmen and
the the insured persons in the discharge
of their obligations in the field of occupa-
tional and health safety management.
DIN EN ISO 8434-1
Metallic tube connections for fluid power
and general use - Part 1: Screwed con-
nections with 24° cone connectors.
These, in accordance with DIN EN ISO