Husqvarna Zig Zag Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Zig Zag

Страница 1: ...Class a L L1 ...

Страница 2: ...Y Handbook for Husqmil zig zag selyiog nlaehine Class Lq for domestic use Husqvarna Vapenfabriks Aktieholag HuskYarna Sw eden ...

Страница 3: ...hine or urhich can be bought It is extremely important that you should study this handbook carefully in order that the machine shall be a source of utility and satisfaction a faithful and valuccl servant for countless years rhc sewins machine represents a capital investm r r r which pr pcrly administered will yield a good rer rr Faulty trclltntcnt or neglect wiln lower this return antl contri rrrt...

Страница 4: ...sts of a series of firm stitches produced bv the inter locking of the upper and louner threads The needtre pushes down the upper thread througl l the cioth and further through the hole in the throat pxate ihern the needtre has reached its lowest point a1ctr begins to rise aeain the upper thread forms a troop betweer r the eloe of the n eedle and the cloth rvhich is trarge enough to engase thc shr ...

Страница 5: not be thicker _ Desc iption of material i No a d ki d of thread Ncedle ano narure or worK i i o _rl Fine work on very rhin ZOa sewing cotron I materials i 200 embroi dery and I I i L Thread and needle guide table The electric motor and knee contr ol Table of materials needles and threads I I darning thread i Ifli nainsook muslin I r 150 sewing corcon Z I lu r and silk r u sewrng corcorl 32 mac...

Страница 6: ...her the lever is moved to the right the more the speed is increased up to the maximum Some practice is required before the speed of the machine ean be regulated correctly Machine lighting S inding rhe bobbin Machine The machine lamp is en closed in a hinged coyer plate on the forward part of the arm The lamp is turned on and off with the press burron 1 Fig 8 To change the lamp the cover is swung o...

Страница 7: ...bin should hang loosely out through thc slot in the shuttle door when this is closed T he bobbin is placed thread when pulled is tion of the arrow in thread through notch 1 in the case in such a way that the wound off the bobbin in the direc the following illustration Pull the in the case under the tension spring Fis needle bar shouXd be in case is to be remorred 10 its highest position when the O...

Страница 8: ...teration On delivery the under thread is adjusted for normal ten sion which only needs ro be changed if very thin or espe cially thick materials are ro be used If frequent changes are made f rom sewing thread ro dar ning thread it mayj be ad visable to procure an extrd bobbin case so that each case can be kept at its parricular tension Threading and tension of upper rhread Vhen threading the upper...

Страница 9: ... to damage the needle or thread Never therefore pull the material while sewing for this will bend the needle which may strike agains the edges of the needle hole and damage them Fig 14 Fig Ls rela and ten has the Fig L4 shows correct tion between the upper lower thread Fig 15 shows thar the sion of the upper thread been to slack or that of under thread too tight Fig 16 shows the opposite the under...

Страница 10: ...ressure against the knee lever By turning the rnaterial to left or right the neces sary proficiency to guide the cloth will soon be acquired Before threading the needle make sure that the take up ever is in its highest position The upper thread is threaded through the needle and the loose end held lightly in the left hand while the flywheel is turned by hand towards the per son sewirg until the ne...

Страница 11: ... extension t Fig 21 The presser foot is jointed in order that it shall be able to glide easily across thick seams and uneven surfaces When sewing the machine can be used with or without the work table The free arm facilitates sewing as the gar ment can be drawn on to the arm Oiling and cleaning the machine In order to ensure ens smooth and silent running and to minimise the wear oiling must be car...

Страница 12: ...same time and lubri cate it by wiping the bearing Path with a piece of cl I t I r moistened with a drop of oil In order to avoid oil gcrtirrri on the thread and material it is important that oilirrq 2A Oiling and cleaning the machine should not be carried our in any other u oy The cenrre pin 3 in the shuttle should also be given a drbp of oil The tension of the under thread may sornerimes alter as...

Страница 13: ...sser feet attachments and accessories Darning irame urith adjusrable supporr s r5245 Zig zag darning Presser foot for foot for wool zig zag seams S 15256 Jointed s 1s229 t1 c p i J Fig 26 Arrows show che points which nequire oiling Fresser foot for straight seams Joi nted s 1510C Srraight seann darning foot s 15238 I f t7 l i ro t r l s4 1 l ll l I J Zig zag pressc r foot with braicl hole Jointed ...

Страница 14: ... zrg zag searn can be stretched in elastic material and is tl rcrefore superior in strength to an ordinary straight seam Zig zag hemmer for rolled seam s r5236 Straight seam hemmer for 2 mm hems round hole at notch s 1 5261 Fis 28 Buttonhole foot s 1 5234 Sewing of elastic The elast ic seam cnables clastic to be sewn on easilv ar rd qu i ckl y Br tton sewing foot s 15237 Other accessories 1 large ...

Страница 15: ...tic is ro be sritch ed inside a sleeve or fo r rn ending socks and stockings rou sers a rrhe knee or or srirching 0n r pocke c Casting seams The zig zag seam is ver y useful when casting rough edgres dressmaking and other work The breadth of seam used rnusr depend on the weighr o rhe cloth and its kind of ureave The uhread tension should be regulated in relation to the rype of material If the ten ...

Страница 16: ...mosr suitable sewing on lace and insertion CIf trace wihen sewing on lace or making lace inserrion the lacc is Fig 3 s 28 Fie 36 Fig 39 ointed zig zag Presser oot cwr or1 arad the naacerial bound on the reverse side il y use r l th c zig zag seam so that rhe material can be cuf off lri sc and does not need to be cast by hand For rounded ntours use the button sewing presser foor Picot Picot edging ...

Страница 17: ... work be heightened by using coloured thread or or b sewing a rorr of stitches close to each ri irrI ii a J Eqs Iid iYfij 1 ljl 1 i ji 1 i 1 iy EY i i l i 1 l r iil l i li f 4 r Bl j Ll ri 4i it iL iri i a l 11i ii i 1 r i ii _ arr _r _ 11 i ri r r ivjj f 2i j i i i i i 1 a l i ir 1 j a l j iq l i lti i i ri i iril r i td i il Yb j lr r i r 1 i i r 1 rlf Ar i a l iia i i j i Iil ffi5ffi n oi i Sew...

Страница 18: ...horter than the first with the last stitch finish r l to the left Lift the foot again set the zig zag breadth r rr 4 mm lower the foot and sew the braiding stitches at r lrc other end Finally raise the presser foot set the zig rii breadth to 0 lower the foot and fasten the stitches while liccping the cloth in the same place The buttonhole can be r r rt open with the buttonhole punch shown on Page ...

Страница 19: ...r lr rcad tension should be tight enough in relation to rhe tlrickness and firmness of the material ro make the nlussels s t ul d out distinctly Use 2 3 stitch length Darning with wool esPeci ally socks The zig zag seam and free arm make it possible to darre socks without any difficulty Remove the presser foot with t lrc presser foot extensiori 9 Fig 1 3 and replace with the t ig zag presser foot ...

Страница 20: ...ed Fig t7 After having warped the wool in this way the darning is ccrntinued at right angles with zig zag seams but without l rrning wool A softer and more pliable darn is ob tained irr this way than with straight sewing FiS 48 Darning stockings Iinen underclothes and garments This kind of darning is done with straight seams and with trut any inlay rhread Vhen darning small holes a special daming ...

Страница 21: ...Fis 52 Fig s 3 arning f oot for straight seams lowered f eed motion darning embroidery frame in tl re sarne direction as the warp threads but then with I r r r stitches This will make the darn as invisible as pos r lc af ter washing Long stitches are produced by sewing r r t lr c r slowly and moving the f rame rapidly short stitches r scwing more rapidly and mor ing the f rame slowly A piece of do...

Страница 22: ...a loop for locking the narrow parr of the reed after the wool has been wound round it As a foundatio squared canvas or jute should be used The wool should be wound a few rurns round the reed but not too tightly Lower the presser foot and stitch over rrhe wound wool through the slor in the reed After this has been done unclasp the loop push the reed forward and wind more wool round it 7hen wool has...

Страница 23: foor rcl with the feed rnotion lowered Fig 59 l lr nrorlograrn is drawn the piece oi worli stretched int the c0ntour f irsc outlined with rhreads for rya Tucks and quilting The simple presser fooc is used qrith the ruler 60 carry our stitching where seams musr be parallel ro one anorher o ro the edge of the marerial for example when sewing rucks or doing quilring work It can be used both for sr...

Страница 24: ...ith straight stitches across the lines Fis 5c Plain hernstitch ing as well as dif ferent parterns in darning and cross stitch can be sewn on the machine but as is the case 11 with marking and i embroidery it re qulres tralnlng to be able to sew slou ly and at the work under the needle srork with below but the zig zeg F emmer for 2 and 5 mm sitnaight seams Fig 52 Hemrni g with the hem foXder furn o...

Страница 25: ...e rwo over each other so about 6 mm beyond Some of the most common in sewing An important rule Faults in sewing rlts which arrse trying to fir rd the back ir r place beforc make certain that If CiILISC ul y t lr t sc il a machine part is removed when of some trouble b sure to put it other parts are loosened so as to parts are replaced correctly thc machine runs heavily it rnay be due to inferior o...

Страница 26: ...benr or blu t needle or orle thar has been wronglv inserred in the ar If the needle breaks it rnay be due rci ir having bee bent If it is necessary to pull the material in certain kinds oi sewing this musr be done cautioustry so as nor to bend rhe needle so that its point strikes againsr the hole in the throar plate This wilt often make it break a ci may also damage the needle hole oi the rhroat p...

Страница 27: ... Svm 7730 l J t rz lg d ...
