Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Warranty Information
Hughes Safety Showers Ltd guarantees the products it manufactures or sells against defects in workmanship and material for a period of one
(1) year from the date of shipment or date of invoice, whichever is later. The product must be used, maintained and installed according to the
instructions and procedures provided, or this warranty is void. Any alteration or modification of the product will also void this warranty. Hughes
Safety Showers obligation under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of defective products. No other warranty or remedy shall be
provided. This warranty specifically does not guarantee or cover payment or reimbursement of any damages or consequential damages other
than repair or replacement of the product.
Any claim under this warranty must be made in writing within twelve (12) months of the date of shipment or the date of invoice, whichever is later.
The owner must prepay shipping costs of all products returned to Hughes Safety Showers Ltd under this warranty. If it is determined that the
product is defective in material and /or workmanship the repair or replacement will occur, at Hughes Safety Showers option, at no charge and
return freight prepaid by Hughes Safety Showers. All other return of the product to the owner shall be at the owner’s expense.
Proper use by the customer is necessary for the effectiveness of the product, as well as the safety of those using the same. The user is solely
responsible to determine the suitability of any Hughes Safety Showers product for any intended use. The user assumes all risk and liability for
use of any Hughes Safety Showers product. User specifically acknowledges receipt of proper instructions regarding the use of the product in
the original packaging and disclaims any consequential damages to person or property, damages for loss of use, lost time, loss of profit, lost
income, loss of the Hughes Safety Showers product itself and/or other incidental or consequential damages other than as warranted by this limited
warranty. User accepts the responsibility of removing from service any product that becomes worn out, unusable, unfit for the intended use or
defective in any way such as to make the product a potential safety hazard. Hughes Safety Showers is unable to undertake such obligations or
responsibilities on behalf of the user as the user is in sole possession and control of the product.
Indoor Emergency Safety Showers - Cubicle