Configuration manual
The following conditions apply to the speed switching points:
P1 <= 0.9 x P2; P2 <= 0.9 x P3; P3 <= 0.9 x P4 or P1 = P2 = 0
Entering “0” in the fields P1 ... P4 deactivates the relevant switch.
Entering “0” in the fields P1 ... P2 deactivates the low speed.
If a switching delay is activated, the actual switch of speed may be above the set
switch off speed.
Please also note the switching precision specified in the “UO
operating and assembly manual.
Conclude configuration of the module by clicking “Write to device”.
4.3.1 Low speed
Low speed is detected. The switch will only close when speed P2 is exceeded. If the speed falls
below P1, the switch will be opened once again. If low speed detection is activated, the input
columns for “P1” and “P2” are visible.
4.3.2 Switching depending on the direction of rotation
Switching speeds S1R ... S3R apply to clockwise rotation. Switching speeds S1L ... S3L apply
to anti-clockwise rotation.
If switching depending on the direction of rotation is activated, the input lines for S1R ... S3R
and S1L ... S3L are visible.
If switching depending on the direction of rotation is not activated, then the switches are
designated as S1 ... S3 without R and L to indicate direction, and the entered switching speeds
apply regardless of the direction of travel.
If switching depending on the direction of rotation is activated along with low speed,
the low speed function must be the same for both directions of rotation. This must
be either active or inactive.
4.3.3 Switching delay
The adjustable switching delay can be used to suppress switching of the speed switch if the
limit speed is exceeded for only a brief time. This may be useful, for instance, in case of load
shedding. Switches S1, S2 and S3 will open after speed P4 is exceeded, but only after the
delay time set in the “Delay” field. The time can be set be
tween 0 and 300 ms, in 2 ms steps. If
the speed falls back below the value P4 within the delay time, then a switch-off is not triggered.
The time delay only applies to switching off if the speed P4 is exceeded. All other
switching processes are triggered immediately.
4.3.4 Illustration in the display area
The module is shown in the display area as illustrated in section 4.1.1.