EL 16
Remove lockers from boxes
Attach garment bar holders as shown with provided hardware.
Type A - is mounted to the horizontal section using the holes at the bottom
edge on each side.
Type B - is mounted to the vertical locker sections at a position
approximately 15 inches below the top. Note: Garment bar hardware needs
to be mounted on the right side of one vertical section and the left side of the
other vertical section.
Type A Type B
Mark locations for drilled holes as follows.
15” deep lockers – Mark 2 locations 4” from the top and at 3” and 12” from
the front. These locations will need to be marked on the inner sides of the two
vertical lockers and both ends of the horizontal locker. All holes should now
be aligned for assembly.
18” deep lockers – Mark 2 locations 4” from the top and at 3” and 15” from
the front. These locations will need to be marked on the inner sides of the
vertical lockers and both ends of the horizontal locker. All holes should now
be aligned for assembly.