Hubbell ETXA Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 9










All circuit breakers and/or disconnect switches servicing this heater must be turned 
off before installing, repairing or uninstalling this water heater. 




be done by a licensed electrician and licensed plumber. 


Locating and Mounting Instructions: 

The Hubbell TXA series tankless water heater can be installed just about anywhere. 
However, there are some important guidelines to follow that will ensure that the installation 
is both safe and convenient if future servicing is required. 


The unit may be installed in either indoor or outdoor locations due to the NEMA 4 -12 
enclosure rating, that protects it from rain,  splashed water, direct sunlight, debris, and 

This product should NOT be installed in a location where it may be 

subjected to freezing temperatures

If the water inside the tankless water heater 

freezes, it can cause severe and permanent damage that is not covered under the warranty. 
If you suspect that the tankless water heater may have frozen, do not  turn on the heater until 
it has thawed, and it has been inspected for damage. (Hubbell has options for internal 
heaters for low ambient conditions.) 


When selecting an installation location, consider the existing plumbing configuration, the 
location of your main electrical panel, and location of the point of use. Try to choose a 
location that does not require major plumbing alterations, that is close to the main  electrical 
panel (this will reduce the amount of wire needed to install), and that is physically close to 
the hot water fixtures. By locating the heater close to the points of use, this will reduce the 
amount of time it takes for the hot water to travel from the water heater to the point of use. 
Consideration should also be given to future servicing. 

Do NOT locate the  water 

heater in a location that is difficult to access or on a horizontal surface, like the 
ceiling or floor.  This will affect the operation of the high limits. 



Avoid installing the tankless water heater in a location prone to excessive 
humidity, moisture,  or dust, or in an area where it may be splashed with 
corrosive liquids.  DO NOT install under water pipes or air conditioning lines 
that might leak or condense moisture that could then drip onto the heater.  Do 
NOT install above electrical boxes or junctions.



If installation of the water heater is such, that leaks may cause water damage, make sure 
that all code requirements for such installations as required for your area are followed. 
Hubbell recommends that a drip pan (connected to a drain) is installed below the water 
heater to avoid property damage in the unlikely event of a leak. Alternatively, an active 
water leak detector and shut-off valve designed to turn off the water supply if a leak is ever 
detected may be installed. 


Mounting the unit: 


Leave a minimum of 12” to both sides 11” on the bottom and 36” in front of the unit. 


Mount the water heater securely to the wall by putting four (4) screws through the 
mounting holes. 


Install a ¼” diameter bead of sealing caulk around the entire perimeter of the heater 
between the heater back panel and the wall. This prevents any moisture or debris 
from accumulating. 

Содержание ETXA Series


Страница 2: ...l localmeans ofdisconnectionofallungrounded conductorsmustbeprovidedthatis within sight oftheapplianceor a circuit breakerlockout mustbeused Ref NEC 422 31 8 If theHubbell TanklessWater Heater is installed in a locationwherewater damage could occur in theevent of a leak it is recommended thata drip panbeinstalled and connected to a suitabledrain Alternatively an activewaterleak detectorandshutoff ...

Страница 3: ...nting Instructions 9 Plumbing Installation Instructions 10 Flushing the Line 10 Checking for Leaks and Purging Air 10 TypicalAccessory Piping 11 ElectricalInstallation Instructions 12 WIRING DIAGRAMS 13 SECTIONIV OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE 27 Maintenance 27 First Use of your Hubbell Tankless Water Heater 27 Temperature Controller User InterfaceInstructions 28 Configuration Menu 28 Power and Triac Wi...

Страница 4: ...ensor within theheaterrecognizes thedemandandinitiates theheatingprocess This sensor measures thewaterflow ratewhiletwo othersensorsmeasure the incoming and outgoing water temperature This information is transmitted continually to the microprocessor controller which determinesthepreciseamountofpower tosend tothe heatingelements to heat thewater tothedesired temperature TheHubbelltankless water hea...

Страница 5: ... Frequency 50 60 Hz Protection Thermal AutoReset ProductOverview TXA MTXA Notes 1 Transformersareonlyinstalledon 3 phasemodelsover240volts 2 Systemcomponentsandlayoutaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice Hi Limit Switches Heating Elements ElementSwitching Devices Triacs Transformer Flow Meter Control Board Control Fuse GroundLug PowerDistribution Block Magnetic Contactor Heating Chamber VentDrain Cold W...

Страница 6: ...verview ETXA Notes 1 ConstructionofETXA is similar to TXA with theadditionofa mechanicaltempering valve factory set at 85 F 2 System componentsand layoutaresubject to changewithoutnotice Mechanical TemperingValve ...

Страница 7: ...7 TanklessWaterHeater Maximum Flow Rates 1 For alternatepower kW values themaximumflow ratecan becalculatedusingthe formulasonthefollowingpage ...

Страница 8: ...nga 27 kW unit when actualvoltageis 212 V 2122 44 944 0 78 27 000W 21 060 W 212 V 2402 57 600 AmperageFormula Watts Amps SinglePhase Watts 1 73 Amps 3 Phase Volts Volts Flow RateFormulas To determinepower kW requirement GPM F T 0 1465 kW To determinetemperaturerise kW 6 824 GPM F T To determineflowrate kW 6 824 F T GPM ...

Страница 9: ...trical panel this willreducetheamountofwireneeded to install and thatis physically closeto thehot water fixtures By locatingtheheater closeto thepointsofuse this will reducethe amount oftimeit takes for thehot waterto travelfrom thewaterheater to the point ofuse Consideration should alsobegiven to futureservicing Do NOT locate the water heater in a location that is difficult to access or on a hori...

Страница 10: the inlet side and outlet piping of unit WARNING DO NOT SUPPLY WATER TO THE UNIT THAT IS HOTTER THAN 130 F Flushing theLine Before connectingthe copper pipeto thewater heater it is extremely important to flush the lines to eliminateall plumbingpaste residue or debrisin thelines and damagingthe flow meter After completingplumbinginstallation open thehot water faucet and allow water to run throug...

Страница 11: ...onal Temperature and Pressure Gauge Optional Ball Valve Recommended Pressure Relief Valve If requiredbycode TanklessHot Water Valve with Purge valve Connection Optional UnionFittings Strainer Recommended Water Treatment Optional Air Separator Recommended ...

Страница 12: ...rcuit breaker or bya multiplefeed installation with multipledouble polecircuit breakers Wiring to the water heater Connect the power wire from the main panel to the power distribution block or magneticcontactor as applicable Connect themain ground wire to the ground lug in the heater Make surethe connections aresecurely tightened Electrical Specifications Tanklesswaterheatersareconsidered a non co...

Страница 13: ...13 WIRING DIAGRAMS Tankless Wiring Diagram 1B ...

Страница 14: ...14 Tankless Wiring Diagram 1C Delta ...

Страница 15: ...15 Tankless Wiring Diagram 1C Wye ...

Страница 16: ...16 Tankless Wiring Diagram 1F ...

Страница 17: ...17 Tankless Wiring Diagram 1G Delta ...

Страница 18: ...18 Tankless Wiring Diagram 1G Wye ...

Страница 19: ...19 Tankless Wiring Diagram 2C ...

Страница 20: ...20 Tankless Wiring Diagram 2D ...

Страница 21: ...21 Tankless Wiring Diagram 2E Delta ...

Страница 22: ...22 Tankless Wiring Diagram 2E Wye ...

Страница 23: ...23 Tankless Wiring Diagram 2F ...

Страница 24: ...24 Tankless Wiring Diagram 3A Delta ...

Страница 25: ...25 Tankless Wiring Diagram 3A Wye ...

Страница 26: ...26 Tankless Wiring Diagram 3B ...

Страница 27: ...nanceis performed on thewaterheateror theplumbingsystem that may introduceair into thewater supplypipes it is important toturn thepower offto thewater heater and purgetheair out ofthelines beforerestoringpower to theunit See Checkingfor Leaks and PurgingAir in Section III First Use of yourHubbellTanklessWaterHeater Once thewater supplyis on and air hasbeen purged from thesystem powertheunit on at ...

Страница 28: ...s presstheUP or DOWNkey h When the desired settingis displayed simultaneously presstheUP and DOWN buttonsto lock in theselection and returntotheconfigurationmenu i Configuration Menu Items i Power Setting Sets thetotalkW ratingofwaterheater 1 where is adjustable from 001 to 164 Note that thekW selection should equalthekW based upon theactual voltagemeasured totheheater Pleasesee thenameplate on th...

Страница 29: ...iii Low High Flow Sets theunit as either a low flow or high flow unit 1 LF for low flow FactoryDefault 2 HF for high flow ix RemoteControl Setstheoperation oftheremotecontrol function seePriorityandRemoteControlsin this section 1 iPOF disables the remote control Factory Default 2 iPHi 24VDC signal connected to P1 and P2 or closed relay connected to P2 and P3 will allow the heater to operateand los...

Страница 30: ...splaywillcontinueto scrolluntileithertheUP orDOWN button is pressed and willthen returnto normaldisplaymode 5 Power RateDisplay a Thedecimal pointin thedisplay srightmost digit is a visual indicator ofhow muchpoweris required tomeet thedemand A blinkingdecimalpoint indicates thatthetriacis beingsent a signalto energizeand thus turntheelement on The decimal pointlight willblink at a faster rateas t...

Страница 31: ...roverthatdeviceto ensurethatboth do not operateatthesametimeand orthetanklesswaterheatermaybewiredtoa remote switch relay orprovidedwitha 24VDC signal suchasfroma buildingmaintenancesystem to allow thetankless waterheatertoberemotelycontrolled Thediagramanddescription below providedetailson how connectionstothetanklesswaterheatercontrolboardaretobe made 1 PriorityRelay 10A 240VACmax a When theunit...

Страница 32: ...32 Power and Triac Wiring TK2000ControlBoardWiringDetail ...

Страница 33: ...33 TK2250ControlBoardWiringDetail ...

Страница 34: Yes Is control fuse open No Replace Fuse See Advanced Troubleshooting No No Is an anti scald or temperingvalve installed Yes No Does i match the actual inlet temp Yes Does o match the actual outlet temp Yes With water flowing does F show 00 0 No No Yes No See Advanced Troubleshooting Reduce flow Is flow too great for temp setting See Section II Yes Adjust temperatu re setting See Section III Is...

Страница 35: ...contactor asapplicable 5 Verify allconnections aretight Check the Power Supply to theUnit 1 Wearingproper P P E turnon power totheunit by meansofdisconnect 2 Check theincomingvoltagebetween each phaseat thelinesideof thepower distributionblock ormagneticcontactor as applicable 3 If no voltageis present between allphases verifythatthecircuit breakersatthe main paneland ordisconnect meanson havebeen...

Страница 36: ... correct voltageis present at thebottomofthehi limit thermostat butno voltageis present at thetop ofthethermostat then thathi limit thermostatneeds tobereplaced 4 If correct voltageis present on thetop andbottomcontinueto Check theThermistor 5 For three phaseunits ifthemagneticcontactor is pulled in continueto Checkthe Thermistor Otherwise startingat thelower connectionon theleft side hi limit the...

Страница 37: ...ith the settingat OHM or placeoneprobeon theend of onewire and theother probeon theend of the other wire An ohmreadingconsistent with the chart below for theapproximatetemperatureof thewater should beindicated NOTE Alligator clips shouldbeused Holdingthewires in your hands willgivea false reading Reconnect the wires 6 Repeat theabovestep with thelower terminalblock JP1 inlet thermistor 7 If either...

Страница 38: ...voltagereadings areacceptable proceed to Check theTemperatureController Check theTemperatureController TK2000ControlBoard 1 With no flow to the heater 2 At thetop ofthetemperaturecontroller thereare4 sets ofterminal blocksfor the TK2000controlboard verify the wiringis correct as indicatedin thewiringdiagram specificto your heater model 3 Check thevoltageon the2 connectionslabeled A and B on termin...

Страница 39: ...thattheoppositeend is properly connectedto thepower distributionblock magneticcontactor or transformer as applicable Also check the controlfuselocated next to thecontrolboard 4 If voltageis presentwheretheblack wires connect to theterminalsand thereis no display replacethetemperaturecontroller 5 Next check thevoltagebetween JP4andJP7 JP8andJP9 To checkthisvoltage placea probeontheYELLOW terminalof...

Страница 40: ...a clamp onmulti meter clamp themeteraroundone of thewires goingto theheatingelements The reading should beas indicated 5 based on thespecific model listed in theElectrical Specificationtablein the Installation section 4 Repeat foralltheheatingelements 5 If any amp readingis not within therangeas indicated in the chart thatheating element should bereplaced 6 If allreadings arewithinrangecontinueto ...

Страница 41: ...screwtheelementfromtheheatingchamber Installthereplacement heatingelementby screwingit intothe heatingchambercoupling NOTE VerifythattheO ringis installedontotheheatingelement priortoinstallation Re connectthepowerleads to theelementterminals Closedoor Open thecold water inlet andhotwateroutlet valves Bleed air from theunit SeeCheckingfor Leaks andPurgingAir in Section III Turn on power Hi LimitSw...

Страница 42: ...or Screw in new outletthermistorandsecurethe outletthermistorwireto the outletpipewitha new tie strap Connect thenewoutlet thermistorwires toterminals markedJP2onthetemperaturecontroller Closedoor Turn on power Inlet Thermistor TemperatureController Disconnect power Open door Mark thewires goingtothecontrollersothey canbere connectedin thesameplaces upon replacement Disconnect allthewiresfromtheco...

Страница 43: ... Flow Meter Disconnect power Shut offcold water inlet and hotwateroutlet valves Drain unit Open door Disconnect theflow meter wires fromthe controller NOTE Thedisplaymayneed toberemovedto accessthewiresfromtheflowmeter Thedisplay can beremovedby removingthefour 4 screwssecuringthedisplay to thecontrollerstandoffsandthenpullingthedisplayfromthe socket Disconnect thecold water supplypipefromthequick...

Страница 44: ...melocationstheywere previouslydisconnectedfrom Closedoor Turn on power Transformer Disconnect power Open door Mark thewiresgoingtothetransformerso they can bere connectedin thesameplaces upon replacement Disconnect allthewiresfrom the transformer Removethetwo 2 screwssecuringthe transformertothebase Installthereplacement transformerwiththe two 2 screwsremovedin thelaststep Re connectthewiresto the...

Страница 45: ...s removed from thelast step Re connect thewires to theLWCO in thesame locationsthey werepreviously disconnected from Closedoor Turn on power Low Water Cut off LWCO Probe Disconnect powerand shutoffwater Open door LocateLWCO probein thetop oftank 1 Disconnect wirefrom LWCO probe Removeprobefrom tankand installnew probewith thread sealant Reconnect wireto LWCO probe Closedoor Turn on power LWCO Prob...

Страница 46: ...6 8000 Watts 346V 3 phase N1375 8000T6 9000 Watts 346V 3 phase N1375 9000T6 8000 Watts 208V 3 phase N1375 8000R 9000 Watts 208V 3 phase N1375 9000R Extra O Ring O RING SGB Electrical Thermistor USP9509 Thermistor for ETX 1 8 NPT USP12197 Auto Resetting Hi Limit Supplied with Leads set to 140F L60 Auto Resetting Hi Limit Supplied with Leads set to 200F L93 Manual reset high limit 20615L11 C85 Tempe...

Страница 47: ...ROPERTYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT 2 LIMITATION OFREMEDIES ANDDAMAGES Hubbell s liabilityandBuyer s exclusiveremedy hereunder willbelimited solely at Hubbell s option to repair or replacement by theHubbell ServiceCenterwithrespect toanyclaim madewithinthe applicablewarrantyperiodreferred toabove Without limitingthegeneralityofthe foregoing allwarranty itemsshallbereturned by Buyer at its soleexpense to the...

Страница 48: ...les as finalwithoutrecourseto a credit card companyandhereby agreethatthisManufacturer s Limited Warranty shallbe governed by thelaws oftheStateofConnecticut anyandallactionsarisingfrom or relating to this Manufacturer sLimited Warrantyandany aspectsoftheProduct shallbebrought in a court ofcompetent jurisdictionin Fairfield County Connecticut WARRANTYPROCEDURE 4 PARTS REPLACEMENTPROCEDURE UnderWar...

Страница 49: ...49 NOTES ...

Страница 50: ...50 NOTES ...

Страница 51: ...51 NOTES ...

Страница 52: ...52 P O BOX 288 STRATFORD CT 06615 0288 PHONE 203 378 2659 FAX 203 378 3593 INTERNET http www hubbellheaters com ...
