ont alarm-profile 1 1 profile-id 1
service-port 0 vlan 8 gpon 0/3/1 ont 1 gemport 0 multi-service
user-vlan 8 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6
service-port 1 vlan 100 gpon 0/3/1 ont 1 gemport 1 multi-service
user-vlan 100 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6
queue-scheduler wrr 10 10 20 20 40 0 0 0
cos-queue-map cos0 0 cos1 1 cos2 2 cos3 3 cos4 4 cos5 5 cos6 6 cos7 7
Configure the ONU.
vlan 100 smart
port vlan 100 0/0 0
service-port 2 vlan 100 eth 0/1/1 multi-service user-vlan 2 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6
17.1.2 Configuration Example of Intelligently Collecting Power
Consumption Information over Ethernet Access
An optical network unit (ONU) can intelligently collect power consumption information in the
electrical power system through gigabit Ethernet (GE)/fast Ethernet (FE) autonegotiation
electrical ports, and transmit the data upstream to the optical line terminal (OLT) through gigabit-
capable passive optical network (GPON) ports.
Service Requirements
A large number of power consumption information in the electrical power system needs to
be collected in real time and transmitted to an automatic meter reading system (AMR)
The smart meter on the user side has a serial port and an ONU is connected to the smart
meter through the serial port.
The power consumption information is transmitted through a GPON network.
shows an example network for configuring intelligent collection of power
consumption information in the electrical power system over Ethernet.
The ONU is connected to a concentrator through a GE/FE autonegotiation electrical port.
The concentrator is connected to a collector using power cables and sends the power
consumption information collected by the collector to the ONU.
The ONU forwards the power consumption information to an OLT and the OLT forwards
the information to the upper-layer device. Then the upper-layer device forwards the
information to an AMR server.
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
17 Electrical Service Configuration
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.