HUAWEI RP100-55T Room Presence
User Guide
4 Camera Control
Issue 01 (2013-12-20)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
4.2.2 Moving a Camera to a Preset
After you move a camera to a preset, the camera automatically adjusts its zoom level and
direction to the preset values.
To move a camera to a preset, do the following:
Step 1
, and then select
Select Position
Step 2
Scroll to a camera preset by pressing arrow keys, and then press
to move the camera to
the corresponding preset.
4.2.3 Deleting All Camera Presets
If the camera presets saved on the RP100-55T are no longer required, they can be deleted.
All the camera presets saved on the RP100-55T can be deleted at the same time; however, the
presets cannot be deleted one at a time.
To delete all camera presets, do the following:
Step 1
, and then select
Delete All Camera Presets
Step 2
Confirm that you want to delete all camera presets as prompted.