background image

This method should never be used to apply a
Plug the black plug into the socket in the base of
the Signal Generator. Connect the crocodile clip
(red lead) onto the appropriate service. Place the
earth stake into the ground, at right angles to, and
as far from the service as possible, connect the
black lead onto the earth stake.

Make sure you do not drive the earth stake into
any services below it.

Switch the Signal Generator ON/OFF Mode
selector to the mid position. The unit will emit a
high beep every 2 seconds (this confirms the
batteries are ok) If the beep stops, STOP and
replace the batteries.

After a short time the beep will change to a lower
tone indicating a good earth connection.

The area to be excavated should always be tested
in both power and radio mode.

Mark out the area to be excavated using line
marker or chalk. Never mark services using pegs or
other sharp objects.

Always sweep the area in two directions – north to
south and east to west.

Holding the C.A.T. upright with the blade edge off
the ground, sweep the area in a grid like pattern
taking care not to ‘swing’ the unit. Cover the area
until either a signal is located or until you are fully
satisfied that the area has been adequately tested
first in power mode then in trace mode.

To discover the direction of the service you have
located, rotate the C.A.T. when directly over the
service. The direction will be shown when the
meter display drops to zero and no sound is

Mark any services found clearly.

Switch on the Generator, check that a high pitched
tone is being emitted every 2 seconds 

The C.A.T. will pick up stray signals from the
Generator for approximately 5 metres, beyond 5
metres the C.A.T. will act normally allowing you to
locate audibly as well as visually.

With the C.A.T. switched ON ‘sweep’ over the area
to be excavated, listening for the high pitched
tone and checking the meter on the C.A.T. When
the meter peaks, this indicates the service is
directly below the arrows on the C.A.T. unit.


The C.A.T. and Generator are each powered by
4xLR14 batteries.

Never push the equipment beyond its design

If it will not do what you want with reasonable

ease, assume you have the wrong tool for the job. Ask at
your local HSS Hire Shop for advice.

Handle the equipment with care. 

Avoid dropping it,

knocking it, or otherwise exposing it to damage.

Never expose the equipment to excessive
moisture, dust or dangerous/corrosive chemicals.

Keep the equipment clean. 

You will find this less of a

chore if you clean up regularly rather than wait until the
end of the hire period.

When not in use, store the equipment somewhere
clean, dry and safe

from thieves.

Clean the equipment by wiping it over with a
damp cloth, before returning it to your local HSS
Hire Shop.



©HSS Hire Service Group Ltd 20






76 Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0PQ

…any comments?

If you have any suggestions to enable us to improve the

information within this guide please e-mail your comments or

write to the Safety Guide Manager at the address below  

e-mail: [email protected]

... have you been trained

The law  requires that personnel using this type of equipment in

the workplace must be competent and qualified to do so.

Training is available at HSS Training 

0845 766 7799
