2.3.2 Crush and impact danger from suspended loads
There are injury dangers from suspended loads (lifted bushings etc.).
► Be aware of uncontrolled movements of the loads with lifted bushings.
► Never work under a suspended bushing.
Obligations of the integrator/operator
The integrator/operator has the following supervisory obligations:
● Supplementation of general safety information with local regulations
● Provision of first aid kit, fire extinguisher
● Ensure that only qualified personnel work on the product
● Ensure that the personnel are trained in first aid
● Provision of appropriate personal protection equipment
● Make sure that all safety devices are always present and are operating
● Regular training of the personnel in the following subjects:
○ Observance and use of all instruction documents
○ Intended use of the product
○ Knowledge of all safety devices and safety signs at the operating location
○ Observance of the legal regulations
○ Observance of the operating instructions
2.4.1 Action in the event of fire
► Report the fire:
■ Call the local emergency phone number
► Move to a safe area:
■ Take any endangered persons with you
■ Close doors
■ Follow the marked escape route
■ Wait for instructions
► Try to extinguish the fire.
■ Use the fire extinguisher
Range STARIS®-Sia+