Cross Trainer - XTR4
Suggested Warm-up Exercises
These exercises are ideal maintaining strength and flexibility and help avoid stiffness which can result from
workouts. A few minutes of these, before and after your workouts, are the best times to do them.
Inner Thigh Stretch
Sit with the soles of your feet together and your knees pointing outward. Pull your feet as
close into your groin as possible. Gently push your knees towards the floor with you elbows.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Hamstring Stretch
Sit with your leg extended and rest the sole of your other foot against your inner thigh. Lean
toward your toe as far as possible. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Relax and then repeat
with opposite leg extended.
Head Roll & Shoulder Lifts
Lean your head to the right for 5 seconds feeling the stretch up the left side of your neck.
Bend your head back for 5 seconds, stretching your chin to the ceiling. Lean your head to the
left for 5 seconds and finally, drop your head forward with your chin touching your chest for 5
Lift your right shoulder towards your ear for 10 seconds. Lift you left shoulder up for 5
seconds as you lower your right shoulder.
Calf-Achilles Stretch
Lean against a wall with your left leg in front and your arms forward. Keep your right leg
straight and your left foot on the floor; then bend the left leg and lean forward by moving your
hips toward the wall. Hold this position for 15 seconds then do the same on the opposite side.
Toe Touch
Stand up straight and slowly bend forward at your waist, letting your back and shoulders
relax. Reach as far as you can and hold for 15 seconds
Side Stretch
Spread your arms to the side (like a plane) and slowly lift them up to the ceiling. Bend one
hand in at the wrist and hold for 15 seconds. Spread your arms to the side and repeat with
opposite hand.